Experience shows that a clean and tidy workplace is less exposed to dropped object risk than an untidy or poorly managed work area.
Severe weather conditions can be devastating if objects are not properly secured.
Identification, assessment and risk ranking of findings will address opportunities to eliminate or manage potential dropped objects
Many cases have been reported where redundant or unnecessary equipment has been left at height presenting significant hazards to personnel and plant below.
Before starting any task, consider the potential for dropped objects. Even if your task is not at height, consider the environment where you will perform the task and any other activities that may be going on around you.
Pay particular attention to environmental factors such as wind, sea motion, light, downdrafts…
Before commencing the task, visually inspect the work area for pre-existing dropped object hazards such as loose items and debris.
Check all equipment and structures in the area to ensure that all fastenings, bolting, covers, panels, hatches, removable guardrails are properly secured.
Check all safety securing features are in place (split pins, locking wire, locking washers).
Pay particular attention to lighting and other fixtures that may not be secure or present a snagging / collision hazard.
Look out for moving machinery and corroded brackets and structure.
Identify existing controls are in place such as toe-boards, guards, barriers, communications etc.
Also consider the following:
Note: Identify and assess energy sources that can cause dropped objects.
Gravity, motion, mechanical movement, electrical or pressurised equipment, vibration – even temperature can cause dropped objects. Cold hands can lead to loss of grip on rails, ladders.
Download here the Best Practice Dropped Objects Prevention Handbook