Securing Equipment
During Severe Weather

Best practices & recommendations to Securing Equipment During Severe Weather

Severe weather conditions can be devastating if objects are not properly secured.
  • Structures and equipment should be designed so that water cannot collect and form ice
  • Establish routines for inspection before, during and after adverse weather conditions, such as strong winds, high waves, and the risk of ice / falling ice
  • Use available time during shift changes to carry out an extra check of equipment that may loosen
  • Check whether the workplace is clean and tidy. Equipment stored on deck and in other areas may be blown over by the wind or downdrafts, so check the securing devices
  • Check windsocks, wind sensors, floodlights, antennas, antenna masts and scaffolding
  • Carefully check that equipment in the vicinity of the helideck is sufficiently secured
  • Check for any loose objects on roofs, load carriers and in all storage areas
  • Check that the lids of storage boxes are secured.

Prevent Dropped Objects